Wk 6-Classmate Conversation- Mariela Herrera

Mariela Herrara a junior at CSULB in art 110. I was lucky to meet her in the gallery as she came up to me looking to start a classmate conversation. Its kinda of the norm now for our class. At first a lot of us were shy and timid but now, not so much. Its great to know that this class is branching us of and helping us create a list of now what I call friends and how six weeks we all started off as strangers just looking to pass by in this art class going unknown. Mr Zucman does a great job in reaching out to us students and not only keeping us alert on whats new but also incorporating us students in the lecture and giving us a chance to really get out of our comfort zone for the better. he involves students like Mariela and I to not just know a select few in the class but actually give a name to a face in the crowd we see every two days of the week.


So I was conversating with my new friend Mariela and her aspirations in life to becoming an officer. Right now she is in the middle of a bunch of schooling to help further her career with hopefully majoring in Criminal Justice in the next 2 years. You can tell she will love her job just by how passionate she is when she starts to talk about it. Currently she gets the pleasure of working for LA PD as a small office job but she soon hopes to become something more one day.

BUSY BUSY BUSY… Mariela works and is a full time student. she works long shifts at the police department and spends the rest of her time at school or studying. But when she does get free time she loves to cook. Especially her favorite, pasta! I definitely agreed in that being the best meal there is! She has really gotten good at cooking for herself in knowing that she doesn’t want to spend money all the time and its just more convenient when at home.

Fun Fact: her favorite movie is WHITE CHICKS! Thats a classic!

Wk 6-Activity-French Girls

IMG_1655IMG_1656French girls is an app if you were curious as to what it might be, but its not like most social media apps were my friend’s sister’s ex-boyfriend’s cousin’s is posting drama about everyone in the school all day long. NO. Its quite more unique then the average app we see these days. Drawing faces of our friends, family or even strangers and becoming our own Piacasso artist. What did I learn from this app you say? Well, I’m not the greatest at finger art but I still had fun! This app was created to let IMG_1652strangers take selfies and create IMG_1654portraits to share with the world all in the convenience of your phone. You may see th is app and think how easy it must be to draw somebody straight off you phone, little did you know that you fingers are fat!It was so hard to get anything perfect, in fact I haven’t seen one that has been even close. Its not that it needs to be perfect but making something entertaining out of it. Which I believe this activity did perfectly well in keeping me entertained in my math class aha!

WK 6-Artist Conversation


Although I didn’t get to have a one on one conversation with the artist this week I will just talk about the gallery that most stuck out to me which was the LABYRINTH gallery that had a naturalistic look to it when you walked in. Artist Angel G. Franco, Isaiah Ulloa and Juan Martin created the sculptures thats were eye catching to the young students of CSULB as we goIMG_1628 in every week seeing something new. The difference on this weeks was a shivering feeling of being in a cold place. Irony as you walk back outside and its back to being 90 degrees! Nevertheless these artist created a vibe as if we were in winter season.

Right as you walk in you notice the calming feeling what you see as an animal sculpture in its natural stands. Its quit simplistic on how it sits there so cheek. The texture of  the sculpture was very abnormal as well as i’m not quit sure to tell you if it was a wax or clay or plater or painted whatever it was, it was unique and diverse and it caught my attention..

IMG_1627What stood out even more when you walked a little further was this center piece of what appeared to be “ice” which really created an idea if ice literally being ‘ice’solated! Yes I just created a pun out of that, but at least the art is doing what its supposed to be doing and making me think. This piece had a way of making a bold statement and it was clearly known that it was there.

As you can see I also made a new friend in the gallery today, and no I’m not speaking of my classmate discussion, but the next sculpture I encountered. Fooled me and fooled a few of my fellow friends but was a great conversation starter. This art piece came to life in the gallery and brought people together to share a common discussion. Oh how so many people said, “Whoa! I thought that thing was real!”


Overall was quit a great experience in the art gallery this week!